QCOR:  Quality, Certification and Oversight Reports.
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Click on a state to locate all hospices that have had complaint investigation surveys in the past 3 years that resulted in a determination of noncompliance.

Hospices participating in Medicare and Medicaid receive onsite surveys by State Survey Agencies (SAs) or Accrediting Organizations (AOs) to ensure compliance with Federal Regulations. When a surveyor determines a hospice not to be in compliance, a deficiency is cited, along with all findings, and summarized in a survey report.

The data in these reports include hospices that underwent a SA complaint investigation and deficiencies were cited indicating the hospice was not in substantial compliance with Medicare requirements. In some cases, the findings from a complaint survey may result in a full follow-up survey, and these findings are also presented. The data does not include initial and/or recertification surveys by SAs or AOs.

When a SA receives a serious complaint about any Medicare certified hospice, the SA is responsible for conducting the complaint investigation. The hospice complaint surveys below will include hospices who are certified through AOs as well as SAs.