d QCOR:  Quality, Certification and Oversight Reports.

Search for a CLIA Laboratory

This website provides a listing of CLIA laboratories and other facilities that are certified by the United States Government Department of Health and Human Services under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA), 42 U.S.C. ยง263a to perform laboratory testing as of the Data Source Date listed below. The certificate type listed corresponds to the complexity of the testing that can be performed by the laboratory.

This website provides demographic information about laboratories, including CLIA number, facility name and address, where the laboratory testing is performed, the type of CLIA certificate, and the date the certificate expires. This list is updated weekly and represents the information in the system at the time of update. For additional information about a particular laboratory, contact the appropriate State Agency or Regional Office

To search for a Facility, please enter a Facility Name (full or partial name) or a CLIA Identification Number, select a State, or enter a zip code (full or partial zip code with * replacing missing number(s), such as 223**).

Notes: Search is only available for Active CLIA laboratories. Additionally, Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) laboratories are not found in the QCOR laboratory look up website. Contact Keith Morgan in the VA National Enforcement Office at keith.morgan4@va.gov; phone# (202) 632-8515.

:  Check this box if you want international labs only
Note: Laboratories applying for a certificate of compliance or accreditation will receive a certificate of registration until compliance is determined.
By Exemption Status:
Some states have applied for exemption from the federal regulations for the laboratories in their state. These states have enacted laws relating to laboratory requirements that are equal to or more stringent than CLIA requirements and the State licensure program has been approved by CMS. This exemption may apply to all laboratories in the state (full exemption), or only certain types of laboratories as determined by the state (partial exemption). Currently, Washington State has full exemption and New York State has a partial exemption.
 Check this box if you want exempt labs only



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